Structure Extensions
Harmony Core Structure Extensions
Expansion Tokens
These expressions can be used to determine whether certain types of controller endpoints should be exposed for a particular structure, if enabled for the whole service. These expressions allow you to disable particular types of endpoints on a structure-by-structure basis.
Alternate key endpoints should be created for this structure. The token will evaluate to true unless the text NO_ALTERNATE_KEY_ENDPOINTS appears in the structures user text or long description fields.
A delete endpoint should be created for this structure. The token will evaluate to true unless the text NO_DELETE_ENDPOINT appears in the structures user text or long description fields.
A get endpoint should be created for this structure. The token will evaluate to true unless the text NO_GET_ENDPOINT appears in the structures user text or long description fields.
A get all endpoint should be created for this structure. The token will evaluate to true unless the text NO_GET_ALL_ENDPOINT appears in the structures user text or long description fields.
Is the current entity global (i.e. not associated with a particular tenant id or data company)? The token will evaluate to true unless the text GLOBAL_ENTITY appears in the structures user text or long description fields.
A patch endpoint should be created for this structure. The token will evaluate to true unless the text NO_PATCH_ENDPOINT appears in the structures user text or long description fields.
A post endpoint should be created for this structure. The token will evaluate to true unless the text NO_POST_ENDPOINT appears in the structures user text or long description fields.
Individual property endpoints should be created for this structure. The token will evaluate to true unless the text NO_PROPERTY_ENDPOINTS appears in the structures user text or long description fields.
A put endpoint should be created for this structure. The token will evaluate to true unless the text NO_PUT_ENDPOINT appears in the structures user text or long description fields.
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